Movie 43 - Official Red Band Trailer
Published on 3 Oct 2012 by WhatIsMovie43
Once you see it, you can't unsee it.
Movie 43 Trailer: See Halle Berry, Hugh Jackman and More Do Raunchy, Gross-Out Humor
Ladies and gents, may we direct your attention to Movie 43, a star-packed, über-raunchy ensemble comedy whose very NSFW red-band trailer just found its way into the wild. And this is as red band as it gets.
First up, the flick racks up some serious digits: It was reportedly helmed by 12 directors, took seven writers to stitch together and features, well, a bazillion big stars.
We're still trying to figure that out. Based on this off-the-rails trailer, this much we can say: Think New Year's Eve-style ensemble comedy...if the cast of Bridesmaids happened to pig out on Hangover jokes, down that with a Jackass slushie, and then belch everything out.
And check out a mom played by Watts acted like a high school mean girl or Stone exchange unpleasantries in a convenience store.
So, are you laughing yet?
Hit the comments and tell us what you think.
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